Group 51 Anthony, Tash and Helen's Music Video Blog 2008/9: Feedback

Wednesday 1 October 2008


1. List below the content of each of the posts (e.g. analysis of real music video). Are there any types of post that you think are missing from the blog?

- Need video analysis of all music videos
- What purpose do videos have? No explaining
- background research
- more research into the band

2. Is there evidence in the blog that the group has:

- Completed background research?
- Organised personnel, locations and equipment for shooting?
- Developed ideas since the initial concept?

You must give specific examples as evidence.

- Some research but not in depth discussion into it (S Club? why is it there?)
- Carried out test footage - but not many shots on scenes
- what is the test footage about? Is it to do with the song?
- good test footage

3. Assessment question - What could make our blog better?

- Analyse the music videos you have put up as examples.
- Number the shot lists
- location shots
- assess the pictures/videos

4. Overall assessment.
If you were to give this blog a marking level, what would it be?
- Level 4: Excellent planning 24-30 marks.
- Level 3: Proficient planning 17-23 marks
- Level 2: Adequate planning 10-16 marks
- Level 1: Poor planning 0-9 marks.

I would give this a level 3, there are alot of ideas but not enough explanation about the ideas.

Level 3-19

Level 3-20

Level 3-20

Could be really good but has to be not so out there - 16 marks as the stuff is there but needs explaining, bit kinky!



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